Mathukumalli Vidhyasagar
Professor In EE At IIT Hyderabad
. 1975. Feedback Systems: Input-Output Properties. with C. A. Desoer; 1978. Nonlinear Systems Analysis;1981. Input-Output Analysis of Large-Scale Interconnected Systems: Decomposition, Well-Posedness and Stability;1985. Control System Synthesis: A Factorization Approach; 1989. Robot dynamics and control. with Mark W. Spong; 1993. Nonlinear Systems Analysis, (Second Edition); 1997. A Theory of Learning and Generalization: With Applications to Neural Networks and Control Systems; 2003. Learning and Generalization With Applications to Neural Networks, (Second Edition); 2006. Robot modeling and control. with S. Hutchinson and Mark W. Spong; 2012. Computational Cancer Biology: An Interaction Networks Approach; 2014. Hidden Markov Processes: Theory and Applications to Biology.
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